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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Then somebody bends

Just a little change
Small to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared
Beauty and The Beast

Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will arise

Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong

Certain as the sun
Rising in the east
Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and The Beast

Tale as old as time
Song as old rhyme
Beauty and The Beast...

i am superman ;
2/15/2009 01:48:00 AM

Monday, February 02, 2009

Pictures of you and me.

i am superman ;
2/02/2009 02:33:00 AM

Sunday, January 18, 2009

This is as good as it gets
It's Just you and me.
Faris & Sulastri

i am superman ;
1/18/2009 01:23:00 AM

Saturday, January 10, 2009

The Future In a Glance

i am superman ;
1/10/2009 12:14:00 PM

Saturday, January 03, 2009

8 months..
Breakfast at Iman's
[3rd January 2009]

i am superman ;
1/03/2009 11:29:00 PM

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

The Longest Damn Entry EVER!

it was pretty blur at first...all i know..i was at school...and hahaha..the cool thing is that the mobile canteen became a great coffee bar! like those at starbucks or coffeebean.
It's soo cool and there were rattan chairs..the atmosphere is really identical. i was walking there...alone...as usual. Was tired and wanted to take a break b4 started studying. Got a table for myself..and wanted to go get a cup of joe...prolly a frappucino.
so i was lining up... waiting for my turn...then suddenly..

i can't believe who was just in front of me!! Yes...it was Rufi...
Rufi had already bought her drink and when she saw me...she just went!!

Rufi : oh my god!! Faris! i can't believe it! its You! it's been soo long!!!
Faris : yeah!! it has been quite a long time already!! (i don't know why i said that but it felt soo good seeing her again.

i bet im no longer in poly. though the building look all so familiar ..haha!) at this point...i was soo happy to see her!! too happy till i forgot that it was my turn to order! hahah! i was too excited that i just ordered a plain cup of green tea! Diaoozz!!! -_- ''''''''''''''!!! as i have always ordered at TP.

The convo continued..

Faris : Rufi! whatcha doing here!! what course are you in?! hahaha it's soo nice to see you!!! where are you sitting?

Rufi: oh just at the other corner....what about you?!

Faris: i'm at the OTHER end... hahaa! erm...so...

Rufi : errm...

Faris : Wanna ..errr.. as in erm..can i ..

Rufi : wanna join me? Sure!! hahaha! so yeah..i joined her...then we had such a long chat that i forgot to study!! so did she! we were having fun..talking about what also... i dunno... Then at one point...it went like...

Faris: You look soo great now...

Rufi : *chuckles* so do you... =) Funny thing...she's grown soo much more matured....aah..she was..too good to be true. anyway..yeah...continue...

Faris : i bet a girl like you is bound to have someone...

Rufi : erp...nah...i've been single.. though yeah...Rizal is still around..but yeah...really..i have no feelings towards him. It's been soo long and still...i've not rejected his engagement offer..i dont know how to bring it to my family and him. I tried doing it indirectly.. but yeah...Guys...*shakes head* they are thick...so thick that he sinks Faster than the Titanic did. (Cool details eh? Ahha! it was a great dream ..trust me..i remembered every single moment of it)

Faris and Rufi Faris laughs.
then she asked me...

Rufi: so what about you? i'm sure there are alot of HOT girls after you...

Faris : hahha! you must be joking!! hahaha! Rubbish... nah..i've been alone..never did find a girl..cos..yeah..i do have my reasons. Hey Rufi...i'ts pretty late...won't your mum get worried?

Rufi : hahaha OMG!! It's 11pm!! hahah i can't believe it!! we've talked for HOURS!!

Faris : of course!! you ARE after all talking to me...i'm irresistable!!

Rufi : *sticks out tongue* haahaha!! rrriiiggghhtt!! Then i must be claire danes...

For a few seconds...both of us just looked at each other with a smile...i don't know why...but boy...did it feel great or what...i swear...it was soo wow!

Faris : well..think we better go off...

Rufi : yeah...we should Still at this point...we were still looking at each other... Rufi : Faris...what are your reasons of staying single so long? Must be about some girl thats really special eh?

Faris : Yep...really really special...hey c'mon..we better get going...the place is closing down soon.

Rufi : WAit!! *grins cheekily* tell me!!

Faris: haha...lets go first..

Rufi: No! i won't go till you tell me!

Faris : well ok then..see you tomorrow then! ahhaha! Make sure you're still here.. i'll be back tomrrow.* gets up and starts walking* hahah!! Byyeee!!

Rufi : HOI!! *sulks* i'm not leaving! and i'm serious about it!

Faris : oh c'mon! don't make me carry you!

Rufi : *sticks out tongue*

So i just when there..gathered her things..and carried her! hahhaa!!! Funny!!

Rufi: WHOAH!! haha!! LEt me down! Ok OK! i'll go home!!! put me down!! ok wait..on 2nd thought...no..carry me! hahaa!!

So yeah...i gave her a piggy back.. and she slept while i was carrying her. Till i couldn't take it anymore...so tired...haaahah!!!

So yeah...we walked to the bus interchange.Now here comes the good part...

As we walked...we were looking at the beautiful sky..clear as can be with a sea of stars... it was magnificent! then...

Faris : you know..i've loved this girl...for such a long time now..and i've stayed single for a long time...i wanted to prove to her that my love is sincere and true...and it's been years and i still miss her dearly...i wish to be with her..but yeah..something happened...

Rufi : wow...that girl must be really lucky..if she were to know this...i think she'd be really moved. If i were that girl...i'd melt i'd give you a kiss and hug you soo tightly...but yeah Faris...go on...who's that girl anyway? bilang lah!

Faris : You really sure that that girl would do that?

Rufi : yeah...of course. ya know...it'll be nice...why don't you tell her then? eh tell me lah whats her name!

Faris : Ok ok...Rufi...let me ask you something...you'd melt and give me hug and kiss that is IF you're her...

Rufi : yep...

Faris : but Rufi...what if i say its really you that ive been loving all these while..that i still want you..that i still wanna be with you even after what you have done to me?

Rufi : Hahah!! You've got to be kidding!!

Faris...you are right? Faris gives a serious look... Rufi: hahahaa...ha...haa...

Faris : Rufi...watashiwa aishteru. Ok at this point...we stopped walking for quite a while already. THen ...Rufi...just looked at me...

Faris : i really do...you won't be able to believe this...but Rufi..yes...believe me...i still do...i've been wanting to be with you for so long...and really Rufi...no matter how bad you think you are...i see something good in you and i believe in you. Then..i took out this old ring... from my pocket that i've been wanting to give her...with the 3 words engraved on the inside.

Faris : i've been wanting to give you this...but never got a chance to...*takes Rufi's Hand and places the ring in her palms*

Tears fill Rufi's eyes...and for the first time...i've seen her like this. THen she started Crying...

Faris : what no hug or kiss? khekhe!!

Rufi : *Hugs Faris* khekhe!

So...finally i got to give her the ring that i wanted to give her all these while. Everything went fine and dandy...Well...after that hugging session...we started walking again...and well what i did was ...well...yeah...i asked her the question...

"baby...would you be mine? "

"Let actions lead the way"...she gave me a kiss on the cheek...and whispered..." i love you too Faris..."

THAT Had to be the greatest moment!! oh god i felt like flying...

So yeah...after that...things were back to normal now...except that Rufi was much more understanding...and yeah..she finally was alright with the idea of me being close friends with Jaja. And yeah...after some time...she apologised and haaaizzzz... was it simply perfect or what...??

We were going so well...until...one day...hahaha!! I GOT AN OFFER BY A UNIVERSITY IN AUSTRALIA TO STUDY THERE!!! I WAS SOO HAPPPY!!! BUT!!...really..

Folks...it didn't turn out that well eventually...Rufi was of course happy for me...but also...Sad...that we had to separate...what also saddens me was that...SHe still haven't gave the word to her mum that she doesn't want to get married to Rizal...she's too scared to break her mum's heart and go against her wishes. Thats when...there was trouble again.

Then...yeah...so...i figured...hey...i'm old enough now...and why not ask her to marry me!!? And follow me to australia! besides...i' m able to come back to singapore every weekend!! hahah! things aren't that bad...SO yeah...

One day... We went to the esplanade and FINALLY!! i got to carry out the plan...but this time..Diffferent Ring! hahaha!! it was the real one this time!

and all she did..was to hug me, gave me a kiss...and cuddle up after i asked her the question...so yeah...i took it as a yes... so on that day that i was about to go off to australia..she was there... my parents were all there and so was shaz and zul...shaz and zul will be going with me cos we are going to same University. Haha!! Great eh...

so yeah...we were hanging out together...until.. RUfi wanted to talk to me... so yeah...

we talked...and...suddenly..

Rufi said : Faris...i failed to tell my mum to break off the whole thing with Rizal...i just couldn't!

Faris: What you mean?!!? why didn't you tell her Rufi?!

Rufi : i can't!! she made all the preparations already!! and so did rizal's parents!! i don't wanna break her heart Faris!!

Faris: Rufi...*sobs* aarrggh!!! this sucks!! Why did you get my hopes up again Rufi?!! WHY?!

Rufi : Faris...i love you!! i really do!! thats why i want you to be at my engagement day to tell them off for me Faris!! i'm getting engaged in 2 weeks time!

Faris : i'd do anything for you rufi...but in 2 weeks! i have orientation and all! AARrggghhh!!!! how?! i'm not so sure!!

Rufi: Pls...come back as soon as possible..there is still a chance.. *hugs* i love you Faris...no matter what happens...i'll love you...

Faris : ooh god..i hope i'll come back on time...*hugs rufi tight*

so yeah..i did go for the flight and well...i told my friends about it...As usual...they adviced me and so did my mum...We all understood what rufi was in...and so...nobody was angry. I was definitely scared...scared of losing her again...

The WEek passed soo slowly...so slowly that i felt as though a god has extended the hours of the day... the seconds hand of the clock moved ultimately slow...and i was there to witness every moment it ticked...i counted down days.... i couldnt.. and things got worse when i couldn't contact her...her phone was constantly engaged!! and i got so paranoid that i couldn't sleep each night!!

When the 2 torturous weeks was over... i quickly packed my things and was ready to go off... But aarrgghh!! i don't know why but THINGS JUST HAD to go WRONG!!!

Aargh!! we couldn't believe that we forgot our plane tickets!!! so we missed the flight and we had to wait till there was a flight...we only got on board a plane in the late morning! and we'll reach there at around 10pm!!

i sat on the plane restless...feeling as though the plane wasn't going fast enough and that i could run faster...i kept track of the time constantly...in the midst of the calm atmosphere in the plane...i was tearing peanut wrappings to it's smallest bits...eating its contents fast hoping that time would pass faster. i was shivering...controlling myself and keeping myself as composed as possible. i grit my teeth and bit my lip to control myself. i could hear the beat of my heart...and it seemed like a time bomb ticking away;about to explode. oh it was hell! then on impulse...i went up from my seat and marched to the captain's cabin and knocked on the door shouting at them! asking them to go faster!!! i was about to break the door down when i was held back by the authorities on the plane! i was screaming and fighting for a way to get in to the captain's cabin to take over the controls to make the airplane go faster. Suddenly... there was a huge blow to my head and i was knocked out.

i woke up in a daze... and i found myself being handcuffed and surrounded me by ppl i don't know!! where's shaz and zul!? then they gave me a glass of water... and the on-board police officer interrogated me.

"so Friend...who are you working under? the JI or Al-qaeda?! Who else is involved in this on the plane?! Tell me!! "

Faris : Huh?! woah woah whaaaooh!!! Hold on a min!! i'm not a terrorist...firstly...i would like to apologise for whatever i did... i'm innocent! anyway i'm mohamed Faris and i'm here with my FRiends from australia and we are students on a break...pls...un-Cuff me!

"but do you know that you caused a major disturbance to all in the plane? you will be heavily guarded and cuffed until we reach there and when the authorities back in singapore get hold of you"

Then...shazni and zul came to try to prove that i wasn't a Terrorist at all. Still i was handcuffed...detained to where i was. So....i started to explain everything...about my life..about Rufi..and the situation... haaha! Soon...there was quite a crowd listening to my story about Rufi

Faris : so officer.. you see..thats why i acted that way...i don' t wanna lose her again....

"alright...we'll explain to the authorities there..but for now...all i can do you for you is to uncuff you and we're gonna land soon"

So...the plane landed... and when the plane got to the bething area...i got off my seat and i realised that i was the only one standing up... then when i'm walking towards the plane door...suddenly....everyone started cheering for me!! They were going like..." you go Faris! GO make her yours!! all the best!! and etc. EVen the captain was wishing me the best of luck. They were letting me be the first person of the plane so that i could reach to rufi on time! i turned back and looked at shaz and zul...all they did was to give me a smile and a nod of approval that it was alright if i went off first.

Zul : faris...you go on ahead! we'll catch up with you

Authority on the plane : i've got a cab waiting for you...go Faris...quickly

So i got off the plane and moment i was at the gate...i saw a few policemen waiting for me. i was a bit scared... but amazingly...they were not there to arrest me! instead!! they escorted me! ahahha!! they were clearing the way for me. Apparently! the whole airport i think got to know my story about me and Rufi!! Ahahah! boy... i thought the police would only stopped escorting me till the airport but surprisingly...they are also gonna escort my Cab there!!! hahaha! so the swat team Vans, police cars... and motorbikes were surrounding the cab that i was in ( not to blast me into smithereens but to escort me all the way to Rufi's house!! )

Once again..i took note of the time...it was 9+pm and i had to get there as fast as possible. with the escort and all...i reached her place in a cool 20mins.

At her void deck..there were lots of ppl and since she only lived on the 2nd storey...the celebration dinner was held downstairs. Everyone looked at the cohort of the police cars.THey thought the president came or something... ahahha! The SWAT team got into action and cleared the path for me to get up there...i ran as fast as i could to stop the proceedings..the flight of stairs that was laid before me seemed long and torturous althought it was 2 flights of stairs up to the 2nd floor...

Sweat and blood ( from the hard knock in the plane by something hard) trickled down my forehead...

then...i finally reached her front door..packed with relatives and friends...i squeezed myself through the crowd...and when i finally got a clear view...there she was...a figure of beauty...dressed in a white gown with sequins that sparkle like diamonds! there she was...my one and only...my one and only Rufi... she's never looked that beautiful in my whole entire life b4. She looked like an angel... She saw me...and with a small smile...she greeted me. i stopped in my tracks...soon that smile of hers...turned into a frown...she looked down and there HE was..Rizal came up from behind her and held her hand...

Faris: NO...it can't be!!!! *a tear ...followed by another ran down my cheeks* NOOOO!! pls..don't say i'm too late!! No!!

Rizal : Faris...it's over...she's mine now...and i'm glad that you showed up for i'd like to make peace with you...

i stood there...shellshock and in disbelief...i fell to my knees and tear by tear my eyes shed... Rufi bent down to my level and i looked up... SLowly...she took my both my hands and in each palm...she placed the rings that i gave her...

i know it was wrong but..both of us..held hands... for the last time...and i cried...

i woke up with my fist clenched on my bedsheets...with cold tears in my eyes,...so ppl..thats the dream that i had this morning...it's the saddest dream that i've had thus far... i do'nt know what i can learn from this...but...seriously..i know there's something to it. that i should gather from this.

hoogod... i miss her... *hugs* and i trully love her. Well farewell folks...i need to go study now. Take care...and goodnight... may your dreams be so happy~...

- Faris... October 2004

Unbelievable!! i can't believe i was capable of such a thing!! Such Detail.. Oh my F-god! Anyway... dug this out for a handful of reasons and they are all the same... I'm bored!!

Not that i still have anything for her... Balls to you if you're thinking that way.

Actually, i was just doing a lil reflection abt myself and was wondering whether i was better back then or now.

Was i able to Love someone better?
Was i more innocent?
Was i more matured?

Things like those and etc etc...

One thing's for sure though.. is that I realised that i am just much lonelier. I used to have... [drumroll please]

on the top of the list...

1) Hafidzoh Sirri..aka Jaja

Followed closely by...

2) Shazni and Zul

And but not least...

3) Loads of activities to do.

i am superman ;
12/09/2008 05:26:00 PM

Names that i've already thought up so far...
1) Mac
2) ...
3) err.. Maki-toshi?

i am superman ;
12/09/2008 05:08:00 PM

Things i've got to do...
1) Admire my new MAC pro!!! WooHoo!!!
2) Admire my new MAC pro!!!
3) Admire my new MAC pro!!!
last but not least...
4) Name my new MAC pro!! WooHooo!!

i am superman ;
12/09/2008 05:05:00 PM

Sunday, December 07, 2008

It's just you and me
Love you forever...
[ Sulastri & Faris ]

i am superman ;
12/07/2008 02:47:00 AM


oh mon dieu! regardez cela!
[ oh my god! look at that! ]

Une jolie dame!
[ A pretty lady! ]

Doux !

i am superman ;
12/07/2008 01:23:00 AM